Sea Quest (books) Wiki

Silda the Electric Eel
Silda book
Vital statistics
Author Adam Blade
Illustrator Justin Wyatt
Published on March 7, 2013
Published by Orchard Books
Publication order
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Cephalox the Cyber Squid Manak the Silent Predator

Silda the Electric Eel is the second book of Series 1: Sea Quest . It was published on March 7, 2013.


Terryfiying Robobeasts threaten the planet Nemos!

Max and his new compnion, Lia, plunge deeper into the ocean on their misson to save his dad. Will they survive the danger hinding in the shadows? And can Max defeat the shocking power of Silda the Electric Eel?


Max and Lia are following the evil Professor 's trail to rescue Max's father. But when Max doesn't heed Lia's warning about the dangers of the ocean, he ends up getting scooped up in a jetstream. Luckily his friends manage to keep up with him. The stream leads him to another one of the Professor's Robobeasts, Silda the Electric Eel. Can Max defeat this foe and recover the second piece of the ancient skull that grants magical powers to Lia and her people?


  1. Rules of the Sea
  2. Undertow
  3. Snapperfish
  4. Shipwreck
  5. Labyrinth
  6. Electric Enemy
  7. Killer Coils
  8. The Black Caves 
  9. Inside the Shell

Character appearances

Major Characters

Minor Characters

Other Books in the Series
